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The Advantages Of Preplanning A Funeral

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While no one really likes to think about their own funeral, many people today are finding it advantageous to actually preplan theirs long before it's necessary. There are many reasons to consider doing this even if you're in good health and relatively young. Consider a few of those advantages and benefits here.

1. You can ensure any unusual plans are carried out

It can be very good to preplan a funeral if you have any doubts or questions about your wishes and plan being followed. As an example, you may be of a different religion than the majority of your family, or you may have no religious beliefs but come from a very religious family. To ensure your wishes are followed during your funeral, it's good to preplan this with a funeral home like Sturtevant Funeral Home so that your funeral proceeds according to your wishes and not theirs.

This is also good to do if you want something unusual for your funeral, such as having a party or having a musician play rock and roll rather than standard funeral music. To make sure these plans are followed, you want to plan your funeral in advance.

2. You save your family from doing this

It can be very difficult for a family that is grieving to plan a funeral and you can save them this problem if you plan yours in advance. You can choose the funeral home, your own casket, and work out the many other details that are involved. While your family may still need to go over certain formalities with a funeral home after your passing, taking care of these major decisions will keep them from having to do this soon after your death.

3. It may be less expensive

Very often preplanning a funeral can be less expensive, either because a funeral home gives you a break on pricing or because you can take your time to shop for your options. You can choose something affordable for yourself if you know your family would instead opt for the most expensive casket and other details, and this can save them money on your funeral as well.

4. You may be able to spend down your assets

In many areas, in order to qualify for certain benefits as you get older you may need to spend down your assets including the cash you have available. By preplanning and paying for your own funeral, you have reduced your assets and cash on hand so you are eligible for benefits but will still have your funeral prepared well in advance.
