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4 Nonsurgical Ways To Prevent Sleep Apnea

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Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can be extremely difficult to diagnose because people are often unaware that they may be having trouble sleeping. Regardless, sleep apnea is often characterized by daytime fatigue, vision problems, and headaches. This sleeping disorder often causes people to stop breathing throughout their sleep. This is a result of poor oxygen circulation throughout your body and brain. If you feel as though you may be experiencing breathing problems during your sleep, it is important to seek the help of a doctor. In addition, you can enlist the help of a few nonsurgical methods in order to avoid sleep apnea.

Use A Tongue Positioner

When you sleep your tongue tends to relax and fall to the back of your mouth. This obstructs the airway and causes people with sleep apnea to move in and out of sleep. As a result, tongue positioners are used to hold and move the tongue away from the back of the mouth. This prevents the tongue from blocking your airway and will allow your body and brain to get an adequate amount of oxygen as you sleep.

Sleep On Your Side

The position in which you sleep at night may be enabling your sleep apnea. If you sleep on your back, then your tongue has the opportunity to rest on the back of your mouth and block your airways. In order to allow adequate airflow into your lungs and body try sleeping on your sides. This will allow your tongue to rest without blocking your airflow. It may difficult to adjust to this new position, but the added oxygen during sleep will reduce many of your sleep apnea.

Use A Mandibular Positioner

The mandibular positioner works to widen the jaw and move the tongue forward as you sleep. This device might be a little more uncomfortable to deal with since it holds your jaw and tongue in place, but it is effective. The positioning will ensure that your airways remain open as you sleep.

Make Positive Lifestyle Changes

The key to preventing sleep apnea is to maximize the oxygen intake into your body. Incorporating a number of positive lifestyle changes including exercise and healthy eating will help to improve your breathing. If you are overweight or out of shape, your breathing problems will only worsen your sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea can be uncomfortable and draining to deal with. Use these nonsurgical solutions to ensure that you no longer have to suffer from sleep problems.

If you need oxygen (such as portable oxygen) for a different reason, contact Home Medix Inc.
