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How To Choose The Right Walking Cane To Stay Active With Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Walking canes help people with rheumatoid arthritis to stay independent and active. If you are having pain in your ankles, knees and hips, then it may become difficult to walk. A cane provides you with support and decreases pain. However, your reluctance to use one may put unnecessary wear and tear on your joints. Here are some tips to consider when choosing a walking cane.

What are Your Needs?

Choosing a cane depends on you and your individual needs. However, you should consider certain factors before making your choice. Weight is important because you have to carry the cane around all day. You should choose something that is lightweight.  

Arthritis changes the way your hand grips objects. A good cane is one that you can hold without pain or awkwardness. It is also important to find one with the right height. If you choose one that is not the right height, then this could lead to bad posture.

A cane that is too short will have your shoulders slumped down to the floor. One that is too long will have your shoulders hiked up too far. A cane with the right length is on the ground and the top of it is leveled with your wrist. Choosing the wrong height is dangerous and very unsafe.

Weather and Tips

Weather conditions play a role in your decision because of using the cane in different settings. Most canes come with a single tip. According to Arthritis Today, people with problems balancing should use a four point or quad cane.  

Choose a cane that comes with different tips. Tips stabilize your cane on any surface. You should use a rubber tip in rainy conditions and a spike one for icy conditions.

Walking and Technique

It is common to feel awkward when walking with your cane for the first time. Technique plays a role in you learning how to walk with a cane. You also have to use certain techniques depending on the surface you are walking on.

When walking with a cane, you should hold it on the opposite side of the pain. This technique provides support to your weaker joints. You should use your cane on your strong side when going up stairs. This helps you to move forward with your strong side while pulling along your weak side. When going down stairs, you should lead with your weak side. This technique is less stressful on your affected joints.

Walking and standing is difficult if you have pains in your joints. You can alleviate pain by following a medical treatment plan and using assistive devices. A walking cane can protect your joints and allows you to remain independent. Talk to cane experts such as Pro-Med Equipment & Supply for more information.
