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Natural & Affordable Ways To Relieve Swollen Ankles

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Swollen ankles do not only look slightly unflattering, they can also be uncomfortable. Luckily, there are many natural and affordable ways to relieve your swollen ankles.

Reduce Your Salt Intake

Salt is often to blame for swollen ankles. When you have too much salt in your body, you retain fluids that your body should have released. These extra fluids can stress out your blood vessels and cause your body to swell.

The solution, however, is not to drink less fluids. Rather, you need to decrease the amount of sodium that you consume every day. Your body only needs between 180-500 mg of sodium per day, and the Institute of Medicine recommends individuals consume no more than 1500 mg of sodium per day. However, it can be easy to surpass that level within your first meal of the day.

Start by examining your diet and figuring out where your biggest sodium intake every day comes from. Start by working on reducing your sodium intake at that particular time of day. Then, slowly work on decreasing the sodium in your diet as a whole.

Carry A Water Bottle

One reason many people's feet swell is that they are not getting enough water. You need a healthy supply of water to flush salt and other waste products out of your system. You can easily increase your water intake by just carrying around a water bottle, and drinking from it throughout the day. You can also increase your water intake by drinking at least one glass of water with every meal.

If you don't enjoy plain water, add a little natural flavor by squeezing some lemon or lime juice into it. You can even try out adding other fruits such as pineapples, oranges or strawberries to your water for a little extra flavor. Water helps lubricate your joints and flushes waste out of your body. Increasing your water intake is an easy way to shrink your swollen ankles.

Drink Some Tea

Another great way to get that salt out of your body and reduce your swollen ankles is by drinking teas with diuretic properties. Teas with diuretic properties help your body flush out unnecessary waste, such as salt, from your system. You can drink any of the following teas:

  • Fennel Tea
  • Corn Silk Tea
  • Hops Tea
  • Parsley Tea
  • Green Tea
  • Dandelion Tea
  • Nettle Tea
  • Lemon Tea

All of these teas will help you get rid of the excess salt and fluids that are in your system.

In order to reduce your swollen ankles, all you need to do is reduce your salt intake, increase your water intake, and possibly drink some teas with diuretic properties. These are all easy, natural and affordable methods that can help you conquer your swollen ankles for good. For more help, contact a foot and ankle doctor.
