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What To Expect From Your Independent Medical Examination

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Following a car accident in which you are moderately or severely injured, you have a great many factors to deal with and consider. Chief among them, if you were not at fault for the accident, is dealing with the other involved party's insurance company and the hoops they may force you to jump through in order to get your medical bills and other accident costs covered and taken care of. In most injury accident cases, the insurance company will require you to undergo an independent medical examination before they will issue any payments to cover your injuries. So, before you panic and get nervous about such an exam, learn what to expect from this independent medical exam.

Be Prepared To See A Doctor You Do Not Know

The primary idea behind an independent medical examination is that you will be seeing a physician that is not responsible for your primary care. You will not have an existing relationship with this doctor that could or would skew the findings of the examination. 

The need for an unbiased medical opinion is a means by which insurance companies try to ensure that the injured party is not exaggerating their injuries or is not receiving excessive or otherwise unnecessary medical care. They are also attempting to rule out the possibility that you are blaming previous injuries or physical problems on the accident to receive free treatment. An unbiased doctor who you do not know is the best way to ensure that they receive an honest medical opinion. 

Be Prepared To Answer Many Questions

Because this doctor does not know you or your medical history, you will need to be prepared to answer many questions when you go in for your independent medical examination. They will want to know details about the accident, about any injuries sustained, past injuries, treatments received, and the amount of pain you are currently experiencing. 

Answer these questions honestly and politely. Do not get defensive if and when the physician asks you to elaborate or explain a statement. They are not doubting your word or trying to prove you to be a liar. They are merely trying to gather all of the facts and information necessary to make an appropriate medical assessment. 

Above all else, when you are asked questions, remain calm and polite. And be completely honest. If you are not trying to defraud the insurance company, you have nothing to fear from an independent medical examination and should consider it to be just another step in the process of putting this unfortunate accident behind you. 

If you know what to expect from your independent medical examination, you will be prepared to handle the situation with the right attitude and mindset. So, keep this information in mind when you head to your appointment and you will have as pleasant an experience as possible. 

For more information about independent medical exams, contact a company such as UMC Medical Consultants, P.C.
