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5 Signs That You Should Ask Your Optometrist For A Glaucoma Screening

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Glaucoma is a serious disease that stems from damage to the optic nerves in your eyes. Most optometrists perform screenings to ensure that their patients don't have the risk factors for glaucoma. However, if you haven't seen your optometrist lately or are afraid that you might be showing signs of glaucoma, it is important to know what to look out for. If you notice any of these signs, now is the time to schedule an appointment with your optometrist to ensure that you don't have glaucoma. If it does turn out that you have this disease, early detection can help your doctor set you up for surgery and other treatments that can help you save your vision.

1. Major Sensitivity to Bright Lights

Bright lights can be uncomfortable for anyone, but if you have a hard time being in the sun or in bright rooms without extreme sensitivity, glaucoma or another eye-related issue could be to blame.

2. Difficulty Getting Used to Dark Rooms and Places

Your eyes should naturally adjust to your surroundings in mere seconds, such as if you walk into a dark room. If your eyes never seem to adjust and you have trouble focusing in dark areas, it could be related to a serious eye problem.

3. Excessively Dry Eyes

One very common symptom for glaucoma is to have dry eyes. Although it certainly isn't uncommon for your eyes to feel a bit dry every now and then, it becomes a problem when your eyes are painfully itchy or when adding eye drops simply does not help.

4. Watery Eyes

Glaucoma can sometimes cause your eyes to produce too many tears, which can lead to watery eyes. If you notice that your eyes are always watering, including when you don't have anything in them and aren't feeling upset, then your optometrist needs to know about it as soon as possible.

5. Issues With Vision

Glaucoma can start causing issues with your vision. You could suffer from double vision, blurry vision or complete loss of vision in one of your eyes. Obviously, none of these symptoms should be ignored. If you notice difficulty with your vision, you should see your optometrist right away.

As you can see, there are usually a few signs of glaucoma that you might notice if you have this disease. You should not ignore any of these symptoms; instead, schedule an appointment with your optometrist, like Terrezza O.D. & Associates, P.A., as soon as possible to find out if there is anything wrong and to look into your treatment options.
