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How To Fight The Signs Of Aging With Voluma

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If you are like many, you examine your face often for signs of aging, carefully looking for wrinkles and sagging skin. You may not be aware, however, of the effect that the loss of fat and bone volume in your face has on your appearance. As we age, the natural "padding" that boosts our cheek areas begin to deflate, making us look haggard, tired and older.

If you are concerned about looking older, read on for more information on an exciting development to fight the signs of aging:

Baby Face

When you think of the term "baby face', you likely picture happy, smiling, plump-faced babies. That image of a filled-out face persists as we become adults, and in our teenage and young adult years the widest part of the face is at the cheekbones before tapering down to our chins. If you consider the face a triangle, the widest part begins to turn upside down as you age, ultimately resulting in too much volume and sagging at your chin and thinner near the cheeks.

The Causes

The causes for this thinning are attributed to normal aging; as we grow older the bones naturally lose volume causing our cheekbones to recede. The fat pad underneath the cheeks of our youth makes a southward slide toward our chin, and finally, collagen production slows as we age, resulting in thinner, sagging skin.

The Solution

Until recently, nothing short of major cosmetic surgery could lift or plump your cheeks. Now, a FDA-approved filler is on the market that promises to fill in and lift your cheeks. This Hyaluronic Acid filler works instantly, adding volume and lifting at the same time. The resulting effect also lifts the cheeks up and away from the "marionette" or nasolabial lines near the mouth and nose, instantly erasing a major sign of aging.

The perks of this filler continue when you consider that the effects can last up to two years, far longer than other injectable fillers, resulting in fewer visits to the doctor. This injectable comes complete with the anesthetic lidocaine already mixed in, which means no need for a separate numbing injection. The filler is injected directly into your cheek area and the side effects include tenderness and bruising at the injection site, mild discomfort and redness, all of which reside in a few weeks.

There is simply nothing else available on the market at this time that will dramatically change the shape of your face without cosmetic surgery, and when you consider it's long-lasting effects, voluma is a valuable tool in your age-fighting arsenal.
