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Try These Three Neck Pain Remedies Before You Seek Professional Care

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If constant neck pain is a part of your life, you're not alone. According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, about 15 percent of American adults experience neck pain. Seeing a chiropractor or massage therapist or visiting your family physician for a prescription of pain medication are all treatment options that people explore, but there are other ways you can often find relief by tackling the problem yourself. Although home-based remedies aren't an equal alternative to seeking professional medical care, they can provide a starting point if you're on a budget or don't immediately have the time to see a healthcare expert. Here are three ways to reduce the pain yourself.

Try Some Exercise

Although severe neck pain might make you feel like staying in bed, getting up and trying a little moderate exercise can often yield favorable results. Exercise is effective for a couple of reasons -- the increased heart rate you experience through aerobic exercises such as walking, dancing and swimming leads to better blood circulation. Blood carries oxygen and other nutrients that have a healing quality, which means exercise pumps blood through areas such as your neck and may help with the healing process. Additionally, the endorphin release -- known as the "feel-good hormone" -- that occurs during exercise can make you feel happier, which is ideal if you've been feeling down because of your pain.

Cut Down On Your Stress

Many people develop neck pain when they're stressed or find that their existing neck pain worsens because of this emotion. The first step to cutting down on your stress is to identify what is causing it. Whether it's something at home or at work, see what you can change to make you feel better. If you're stressed at home because your busy lifestyle doesn't allow quality time with your spouse, making a priority of setting one night a week as a date night. Combat workplace stress by speaking to your manager or a human resources representative about what bothers you and see if you can collectively find a solution.

Change Your Sleeping Patterns

The manner in which you sleep can hurt or help your neck. If you find that your discomfort is worse in the morning, consider changing your sleeping position. For example, instead of lying on your front with your head turned to the side -- a position that puts considerable strain on your neck -- try lying on your side with a pillow pressed between your knees. This position keeps your entire spine in a straight line, which will reduce discomfort. Likewise, ensuring that your pillow isn't too tall that it pushes your head forward or too low that it doesn't support your neck is also important.

T'o learn more about how to relieve neck pain, visit a website like http://swfna.com.
