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How To Prepare For Laser Rejuvenation Treatments

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If you are suffering from diffuse redness, or having red blotches all over your face, and your appearance bothers you, you might spend a great deal of time putting on and removing makeup in order to cover up the blotches. This process takes up a lot of resources, including energy and the amount of money that you spend on makeup. In order to break out of this pattern, many people have begun to consider laser therapy treatments as a method to get rid of the diffuse redness in a slightly more permanent fashion. Here are the steps that you need to take in order to prepare for laser rejuvenation treatments.

1. Check Your Medications

The first thing that you need to do is check your medications to see if any of them are going to cause you to become more sensitive to light. This is important to check because the lasers are essentially going to be bombarding your skin with intense light on a different spectrum than what you are used to. If you are taking medication that makes your skin more tender and vulnerable to light, then the laser might damage it, rather than help it look better. If you are taking such medication, talk to your doctor and see if it would be safe for you to stop the medication 10 days before treatment. If not, the laser rejuvenation center might be able to adjust the laser's intensity to account for your medication.

2. Don't Get Sunburned

Another way that you need to prepare for the laser treatments is to avoid getting sunburned. When you are sunburned, the upper layers of skin are damaged and are more vulnerable to additional light. This could make the laser rejuvenation treatment possibly harmful. Avoid getting sunburned by staying indoors during the days leading up to your treatment, applying sunscreen regularly, and wearing hats that shade your face. 

3. Take Off Makeup

Directly before you go in for your laser rejuvenation treatment session, you are going to need to take off all of your makeup. This will allow the lasers to be fully effective and not have to deal with any obstacles to reach your face. Your laser treatment center might have a sink that you can use to take off your makeup, or you can simply do it before you leave from home or work.

For more information, talk to a laser genesis treatment center directly.
