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3 Lower Back Pain Treatments

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Lower back pain can prevent you from doing the things that you need to do, like work or school. Luckily, there are a few ways that you can treat lower back pain, whether it be through rest or some sort of medical procedure. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn of a few reasons that you recover from lower back pain.


Although only recommended on cases of extreme back pain and at your physician's advice, surgery can wind up curing a great degree of your back ailments. In the case of those patients suffering from sciatica, the surgical procedures miscrodisectomy and laminectomy are often employed. Both of these treatments can wind up decreasing the overall amount of pain you experience by releasing a great deal of stress and pressure that is compounded onto the nerve roots located on your lower back. There are other more complex forms of surgery, including microsurgery, which works by halting the motion of the motion segment of your lower back. Despite how it sounds, this can actually increase your mobility.


Sometimes, the answer to relieving back pain can be a simple proposition. By simply resting for a few days, you can often allow injured tissue to heal itself. Nerve roots, which are much more sensitive to damage, can even begin healing themselves after a few days if you limit the amount of activity that you do during this time period and get plenty of rest. It is important, however, to never overextend the amount of rest time. This can lead to muscles atrophying, which can increase the amount of pain that you experience in your lower back. Rest is often recommended with simple isolated muscle exercises, such as stretching the lower back.

Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural steroid injections should only be administered at your physician's advice. It should also be noted that epidural steroid injections do not work toward healing any damage that has occurred to your lower back. It will only serve to temporarily alleviate the pain that you are experiencing. It's important to not confuse or conflate these two matters, as the inability to feel pain in your lower back does not necessarily mean that you are recovering.

This brief guide should have given you some ideas of how you can relieve lower back pain. If you find the pain in your lower back to be excruciating, contact Isaacson Wayne MD or a similar medical professional.
