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Three Foods You Need To Incorporate Into Your Diet To Lose Weight

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The concept behind weight loss is simple; you need to burn more calories than you consume each day. However, as easy as it is to understand what you need to do to lose weight, it's difficult to accomplish. Not only is it difficult to break bad eating habits, not all calories are considered equal. So, before you start counting your calories, learn what type of foods you should be eating if you want to lose weight as quickly as possible.

Whole Eggs

Eggs are low calorie and protein packed, making them a great choice for people who want to lose weight. One large egg only 74 calories — if you're on a 1,200 calorie per day diet, that's only six percent of your calorie intake for the day. Of course, the amount of calories varies depending on how you cook the egg. To keep the calorie count low, opt for hard boiled (78 calories) or poached (73 calories) eggs. Also, each egg has over six grams of protein, which helps you feel full longer and build new muscle tissue.

Of course you can eat poached eggs for breakfast, but there are several other ways to incorporate eggs into your diet. Consider:

  • Grabbing a hard-boiled egg and a medium-sized apple (72 calories) when you need a low-calorie snack.
  • Adding slices of hard-boiled eggs to your salad.
  • Mashing hard-boiled eggs and cottage cheese together to make a high-protein egg salad.


Beans are a great source of protein, but they are also high in fiber and take a long time to digest. This means that when you eat beans, you'll feel full longer, which could help you eat less throughout the day. At only 218 calories per cup, black beans and red kidney beans are your best options. Try adding them to soups, Mexican dishes, and salads. If possible, avoid refried and baked beans — they have over 350 calories and more than 13 grams of fat per cup.


Apples are a great low-calorie, high fiber snack, but they also contain non-digestible compounds that help good bacteria grow in your gut. When you eat an apple, the polyphenols and fiber act as food for good bacteria, which in turn, helps your body get rid of the bad bacteria to restore balance in your gut. Restoring balance in your gut reduces chronic inflammation and makes you feel full longer. While you can't go wrong with an apple, Granny Smith apples are your best option — they have the highest concentration of polyphenols and fiber.

Losing weight isn't often easy. You have to combine healthy eating and exercise to come up with a plan that works for you. If you have trouble creating a diet plan that you can stick to, consider getting help from a local weight loss clinic or talking to a weight loss doctor.
