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5 Ways to Get Rid of Freckles

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Can you get rid of freckles? So much beauty-industry marketing is aimed at banishing age spots, but what can be done for those who aren't so old but naturally produce the localized build-ups of melanin known as freckles? Some women love their freckles, but if that's not you, read on for five ways to get rid of them.

1. Protect your skin. Your skin forms freckles by creating melanin as a protective reaction to sunlight. To keep your freckles from getting worse and to stop new ones from showing up be sure to protect your skin from the sun. Wear a full-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Stay in the shade whenever possible and wear a hat with a brim to keep the sun off your face.

2. Fade freckles with creams. Creams that contain bleaching agents with hydroquinone can be used to fade freckles. You can buy them over the counter or by prescription. The creams work by slowing the production of melanin and fading freckles so that they blend in with the rest of the skin. Use these creams with caution, as they can be irritating and make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.

3. Try laser resurfacing. A dermatologist typically carries out this type of treatment. A laser is used to remove the top layer of the skin along with unwanted discoloration. Laser resurfacing takes at least one week of downtime to heal from and possibly longer, depending on the type of laser treatment that's used. 

4. Freeze freckles with cryotherapy. This treatment is also known as liquid nitrogen treatment, and it's useful for getting rid of a few unwanted freckles rather than treating the entire face. Liquid nitrogen is applied directly to the freckle and forms a blister that essentially lifts the top layer of skin off, along with the freckle. Cryotherapy is also used for removing warts and moles. You can talk to companies like Ice Cryo if you are interested in this therapy. 

5.Take a gentle approach with home remedies. Lemon juice is a popular home remedy for freckles. The strong acidic nature of lemon juice makes it an excellent bleaching agent that can lighten dark spots like freckles. Apply fresh lemon juice to the skin and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Apply it twice a day, as long as it doesn't start to irritate your skin. You can also add sugar to a small amount of lemon juice and scrub your face with it for a freckle-fading exfoliating treatment.
