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Best Way to Clean and Maintain Your Lift Chair

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Stair lifts are the perfect solution for allowing seniors and those with limited mobility to remain in their homes and still have access to the second floor. Once the unit is installed, homeowners will be given a warranty for repairs. Of course, keeping the lift chair clean and well maintained will reduce the chances that you'll need to take advantage of that warranty. Below is a list of the best ways to keep your lift chair as good as new. 

Use a Duster

Over time dust settles on the track of the stair lift, and if you have an older home, this may seem to occur at a much faster pace than you might see in a newer house. Once a week it is a good idea to take out your duster and run it across the top and sides of your track to get out any dust, lint, or dirt particles that may have crept down into the grooves of the track. If you'd rather, you can also use a vacuum attachment to suck up the dust and dirt from within the grooves of the track. 

Wipe Down the Rail

After you've had a chance to remove the dust, take a few minutes to wipe down the rail. An all-purpose kitchen cleaner and a damp rag is all you need to do this. The purpose is to pick up any dust you missed and also to restore shine to the railing. You won't need to do this as often. Scheduling this cleaning twice a month is adequate, unless of course, you have a large amount of traffic in your home that would cause the area to become soiled more quickly. 

Clean the Chair

Spills happen, and the chair will need to be cleaned from time to time. Fortunately, the surface can easily be washed using a rag that has been soaked in soapy dish water. Never use any abrasive cleaners on the track or the chair, as these can leave unsightly scratch marks. Mild cleaners will do just as good of a job without damaging your unit.

Lubricate the Track

About every six months or so, you'll want to lubricate the track to keep the lift chair moving with ease. Always complete this step after cleaning the track. You may opt to use a little petroleum jelly, or you can go with a lithium spray grease. Apply a thin layer to all of the track's moving parts, and you'll be all done. 
