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3 Common Causes Of Hand Surgery

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There are various types of hand surgery that are designed to help with pain and that can help a person regain full use of his or her hands after not being able to use them. These are some of the common reasons why an orthopedist might elect for hand surgery.

1. Injury During an Accident

Some people find that their hands become injured during an accident. For example, someone who suffers from broken bones in the hand when in a car accident might work with an orthopedist to find out about his or her options, which might include surgery.

2. Repetitive Stress Injury

Many people find that repetitive stress to their hands, such as while they are on the job, can eventually cause serious damage and the need for surgery. For example, someone who does secretarial work or who otherwise spends a lot of time typing each day might find that they suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or some other issue with their hands. This can also be common for those who work in a factory setting and who do repetitive motions as a part of their everyday work, such as when working on an assembly line. Your doctor can provide you with suggestions to help minimize damage to your hands while you're on the job and can help with your pain, but you might find that surgery is a good option if your pain is severe.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis plagues many people and causes severe pain in the hands, knees and more. Some people find that they are able to manage the arthritis in their hands quite well by performing hand exercises, taking medication and following any other advice that might be provided by their doctors. As time goes on, however, the situation can get worse and can cause the pain to be a lot less manageable. Some people find that the use of their hands is limited because of their arthritis. In these situations, your orthopedist might suggest that you look into hand surgery so that you can regain use of your hand and get rid of some of your pain.

As you can see, there are various common reasons why a person might need to have hand surgery. If you are dealing with the repercussions of any of these three things or otherwise think that you could possibly benefit from having surgery on your hand, you should consider scheduling an appointment with an orthopedist, such as at Town Center Orthopaedic Associates, P.C., so that you can find out more about your options.
