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What To Look For In An Electric Wheelchair When You're A Large Person

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If you're overweight, you may have difficulty walking for long distances because of the stress your weight puts on your knees. You might also get short of breath or tire easily. The effects of being overweight can limit your ability to get out and socialize or tend to chores of daily living. One solution that might help is to use an electric wheelchair. If you have the right chair, you'll be comfortable, and the chair will work properly indoors and outdoors even if you have a lot of extra weight. Here are some things to look for when buying an electric wheelchair based on your larger size:

Check For The Maximum Weight Limit

The most important thing you'll want to check is the maximum weight limit of the electric wheelchair. Some heavy-duty models can carry several hundred pounds and operate efficiently. Different styles and brands have different weight limits, so you'll need to check each chair as you shop. Those that carry more weight usually have reinforced frames and stronger shocks so they will last longer with frequent use.

Find A Seat That Is Comfortable

Comfort is another very important consideration, especially if you plan to use your chair for long periods of time, such as when you go on a vacation or outing. You'll want to consider your height as well as your weight so you fit comfortably in the chair and you have the appropriate legroom. Ideally, you'll want to sit in a few different chairs so you can find one that feels right. Then, note the dimensions of the seat, so you know exactly what to look for when you shop different chairs. Noting the width of the chair is important, especially if the chair has arms because you don't want to feel crowded or feel like the chair doesn't support you.

Consider The Turning Radius

As heavy-duty electric wheelchairs become sturdier, they sometimes lose the ability to turn tight corners. The turn radius varies among brands depending on the way the chair is designed. If you plan to use the wheelchair indoors frequently, you'll want a wheelchair with a tighter turn radius. If you'll only use the chair outdoors, then the turn radius isn't as important. When you're shopping for an electric wheelchair, be sure to read the list of specifications. The turn radius is listed there, and that will give you an idea of how suitable the chair will be for maneuvering around tight spaces.

In addition to these features, you'll also want to consider what you need in a chair according to how you'll use it. If you plan to use it outdoors, you'll want all-terrain wheels and a powerful motor and battery that will push through grass, dirt, and inclines. If you want to take the chair with you when you travel by car, then choosing one that is lightweight and dismantles easily could be important so you can stow the chair in the car's trunk. Electric wheelchairs have so many options that it's best to look at several models and discuss your needs with a specialist, so you find the perfect match for your size and your mobility needs.
