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3 Signs Of Knee Osteoarthritis

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Occasionally, you may experience slight swelling, popping, and discomfort in your knee joints. This is due to stress placed on the knee during everyday activities, such as walking, sitting down, and standing up. While periodic discomfort is normal, ongoing pain and immobility issues are a cause for concern. Even though it occurs in patients 50 years of age and older, osteoarthritis may develop at any age. Unfortunately, most people do not even realize they are dealing with this most common form of knee arthritis. Here are a few signs that you have osteoarthritis of the knee.

Progressive Increase In Pain

Sudden pain may occur in the knee joint at any time, but a gradual increase in pain and discomfort may indicate the wearing and tearing of the knee joint and surrounding ligaments and tissues.

You may notice slight discomfort in the morning after waking up or an aching pain after walking up or down a flight of stairs. In some instances, the pain may become severe at night, waking you from a deep sleep.

If your pain and discomfort is becoming progressively worse, contact your doctor to discuss the possibility of osteoarthritis.

Swelling In and Around Knee

As the arthritis spreads, the knee joint and connecting ligaments and tissues will become inflamed. This inflammation is not only painful, but it can also lead to noticeable swelling.

Many people with osteoarthritis of the knee notice the swelling when they first wake up in the morning or any period where you are inactive.

While surprising to learn, the swelling and inflammation can cause your knee to appear red and feel warm to the touch.

Locking and Popping

Last, but certainly not least, osteoarthritis can prevent your knee joint from functioning properly.

As the inflammation spreads through the joint, your knee will become unstable. The joint may lock up when you are in the process of walking, sitting, or standing. The locking can reduce your ability to work, do chores, or run simple errands.

The severe inflammation leads to a complete wearing down of the joint and surrounding tissue, reducing the protective cushion between the components of your knee. Without this protective layer, you will notice a crackling and popping sound when bending your knee. These unusual sounds should be a signal that you need to seek treatment for your osteoarthritis.

Living with arthritis of the knee is possible, but it can be painful and problematic. If you are experiencing one or more of these signs, consult an orthopaedic doctor immediately to determine the best course of treatment. 
