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Teenage Girls Pregnant After Sexual Assault May Need To Seriously Consider Abortion Pills For Her Own Sake

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Rape is a sad reality of the world that all women fears. For example, a teenage girl may go to a party, expecting to have a good time, and end up getting raped by somebody who she trusted. And, a few weeks later, she starts noticing symptoms of pregnancy that a store-bought test confirms.

This unfortunate and tragic situation puts the expecting mother in a very tough position. She is already suffering the negative mental health issues associated with her rape but now has to consider her pregnancy as well. In some cases, a girl in this situation may have no choice but to get an abortion as a way of protecting herself from serious emotional issues.

How Rape And Pregnancy Affects Teens

Sadly, studies have shown that nearly one-third of all women who are raped experience severe PTSD and suffer from flashbacks and other issues that make adjustment hard. These issues may be more hard on teenagers who are still changing hormonally and who may be more unbalanced than adults who have a more stable level of hormones in their body.

And even when a teenage pregnancy is planned or not caused by sexual assault, the expecting mother often experiences many serious mental health symptoms. For example, she may feel anxious about having to take care of a new human being and depressed that her life as a young teenager is over. The difficulties of adjusting to a new adulthood is never easy for teenager girls with children.

As expected, these issues are going to be even more complex when sexual assault and rape are involved. The expecting mother may have to see her rapist on the street – as most sexual assault cases are either unreported or not prosecuted – or may even feel resentment towards the child as a reminder of the criminal way the child was conceived.

When Abortion Pills Are Necessary

Therefore, any expecting teenager mother who can't handle the thought of having a child conceived in rape should consider visiting an abortion clinic to get access to abortion pills. These non surgical abortion medications are non-invasive in her body and have fewer side effects than a surgical abortion. In some cases, the abortion may take only a few minutes to finish.

However, the expecting mother needs to get these pills soon in her pregnancy, as they are not capable of triggering abortion after week 10 in the pregnancy. And the mother should also talk to support staff in the clinic to get mental health help for any depression, anxiety, or guilt that she may be feeling after having to make this tough decision.
