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Tips For Protecting Your Hearing Aids And Extending Their Longevity

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As time goes by and technology advances, the cost of hearing aids will naturally drop. However, for the time being, they are still fairly expensive medical devices. For this reason, it is important that you are proactive in protecting your investment from damage. To assist you with this effort, here are some helpful tips for extending the longevity of hearing aids and protecting them from preventable damage:

Tip: Remove Ear Wax and Body Oils From Your Hearing Aids Every Day

Every night before bed when you take off your hearing aids, you need to take the time to remove any body oils and ear wax from them before you put them away. Take special care to clean the vent tubes and receiver with the dry brush as you were instructed when you picked up your hearing aids at your fitting appointment.

Tip: Always Store Your Hearing Aids in Their Designated Dust-Free Container

Though it is easier to set your hearing aids on the bathroom counter or your bedside table, this is never advised. Hearing aids not stored in a container or worn in your ears are susceptible to becoming contaminated with harmful dust and dirt. Additionally, if you have children or pets in your household, then they could inadvertently damage your hearing aids.

Before placing your hearing aids into their dust-free container for the night, make sure you turn off the battery. This will make your batteries last longer and will keep your hearing aids from making noises while being stored away.

Tip: Have Your Hearing Aids Professionally Cleaned and Maintained on Schedule

Even if you are very meticulous about cleaning your hearing aids, they still need professional cleanings, inspections, and maintenance. As with many things, having your hearing aids regularly inspected, cleaned, and tuned-up will ensure they have the longest useful life possible. A simple inspection will nearly always find minor problems before they become a major issue.

Tip: Consider Purchasing a Backup Pair of Hearing Aids

Finally, though hearing aids are expensive, they are necessary if you want to be able to hear and enjoy your life. And, like most things, hearing aids tend to stop working at the absolute worst possible times. To avoid this fate, you should consider purchasing a backup pair. If this is not feasible, make sure you keep your old devices when you purchase the next pair so you have a backup for emergencies.

Contact a company that offers hearing aid maintenance services to learn more.
