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Need A Hearing Test? How To Get Ready

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If you have noticed that you have to turn up the volume on your television and phone, and you are asking people to repeat themselves all the time, it may be time to get a hearing test. When it comes to getting a hearing test, you can take steps to ensure you get the most accurate results.

Write Up Your Medications

First, you are going to want to write up a list of your medications. Your medications can impact your hearing, which is why you are going to want to list all of the medications you are taking. Some medications can actually cause hearing loss.

It is also essential to write down any major medical events you have been through as well. Some of these medical events may have had an impact on your hearing. You are going to want to share this information with your hearing doctor.

Bring A Close Friend

Second, you are going to want to bring a close friend with you to your hearing test. They may be to help answer questions and provide perspective to the hearing doctor that you can't provide. Additionally, having a close friend or family member there can provide you with support and help ease your anxiety. Plus, you now have someone else to review and recall information with from your appointment.

Clean Your Ears

Earwax can have an impact on your hearing and can have an impact on your hearing test. Two or three days before your appointment, clean your ears and remove built-up wax. Don't use the classic cotton swab on a stick to clean your ears; that can actually harm your ears. Instead, take a warm washcloth and wipe it across your ears with your fingers to clean up the wax.

Stay Away from Loud Noises

On the day prior to your appointment, you are going to want to avoid loud noises such as the vacuum cleaner or a lawnmower. Loud noises can temporarily impact your ability to hear, so you want to avoid them to get the most accurate reading of your hearing.

Cancel if Sick

If you are sick and have an ear infection, sinus infection, cold, or allergies, you will want to reschedule the appointment. All of these types of sicknesses can cause fluid to build upon your ears, which can impact your hearing test results. It is best to reschedule in this type of situation.

If you have a hearing test scheduled, write down your medication and major medical events to share with the doctor. Bring along someone who interacts with you regularly to help answer questions about your hearing to the doctor. Clean your ears a few days before your appointment. Stay away from loud noises, and if you are sick, reschedule your test.

Doing these things will ensure you get accurate results that reflect the state of your hearing. For more information, contact a company like Accurate Hearing Technology Inc.
