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Botox Injections And Your Wedding Day: What You Need To Know

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Should you get Botox injections before your wedding? If your pre-wedding aesthetic routine includes a facial refresh, take a look at what you need to know about botulinum treatment, timing, results, and your big day.

What Is Facial Botox?

Before you choose a pre-wedding day aesthetic or cosmetic treatment, make sure you know what to expect from the results. This means you may need to learn more about this popular injectable. 

As the term injectable implies, this treatment is a medication that a doctor or trained medical provider injects into your face. The injection blocks the nerve signals to the facial muscles and prevents them from contracting. This smooths the skin on top of the muscles and reduces the appearance of fine lines.  

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), botulinum toxin type A injectables can treat crow's feet, frown lines, forehead furrows, bunny lines, and lip lines. This can help you to achieve a softener, more youthful appearance on your wedding day. 

Can You Get Botulinum Injections Before Your Wedding Day?

You can choose to get injections any day that you want—provided there isn't a medical reason not to. Unlike more invasive cosmetic procedures or facial surgery, botulinum treatment doesn't come with a significant amount of downtime. You can return to your normal daily activities, such as wedding planning, immediately after your injection appointment. 

But before you schedule an office visit for injections, you will need to think about the possible side effects and how quickly your body normally heals. Botulinum injections can cause some bruising or swelling. While this is minor and will usually resolve within a few days, it is noticeable. If you don't feel comfortable layering makeup over the bruises, you won't want to schedule an appointment immediately before your wedding.

How Long Will It Take To Recover From Injections?

There is no universal answer to this question. Some people never experience injection site bruising, others may have a barely-there discoloration, and others may have more significant bruising that lasts for several days. The amount of bruising and length of time it takes your face to heal depends on the injections (skill level of the cosmetic medical provider) and your body.

Can You Reduce Bruising From Botulinum Injections?

You can reduce the risk of injection site bruising or the severity of the bruises by following a few simple tips. Avoid alcohol and medications that can thin the blood (this includes supplements and some types of vitamins) immediately before and after the injection appointment. Apply cold or ice packs to your face after the injections and limit the amount of strenuous or vigorous activity you get after the injection. 

For more information on Botox injections, contact a professional near you.
