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Five Ways A Urologist Can Help A Man As He Enters His Middle-Ages And Beyond

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A urologist is a doctor who has specific training related to many issues that affect men's health. These are issues that often manifest themselves as a man ages and can affect the quality of a man's life, but there are other issues that specifically relate to diseases affecting men. The following are several ways that a urologist can be beneficial to a man. 

They can help with early detection of prostate cancer

When prostate cancer is detected early, the success rate for treatment is very high. However, it is imperative to be tested. Today, there are non-intrusive tests that can be done. Your primary care physician can give you guidance on whether you are a candidate to begin periodic screening for prostate cancer.

They can help with issues related to urination

There are many problems an aging man can have with urination, and none of them should be ignored. Problems with hesitancy, intermittency, a weak stream, or simply difficulty urinating are issues that should be brought to the attention of a urologist. It may be nothing serious, but, nonetheless, should be diagnosed.

They can diagnose and treat low testosterone

As a man ages, his testosterone levels can drop off. Naturally, it can affect your energy levels and create issues with sexual function, as well as affect your metabolism. The latter problem can make it difficult to lose weight. However, before you diagnose yourself and run to the store to purchase over-the-counter testosterone supplements, a urologist can check your testosterone levels. If there are medications to boost your testosterone levels, this will likely be better than anything on a store shelf.

They can treat erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be caused by many issues, so you should see a urologist to diagnose the underlying cause. The last thing you need to do is seek out pills to solve the problem. This may only mask the underlying problem.

They can educate you on self-care

Visiting a urologist is not simply about early detection of cancer and treatment for other medical conditions affecting men, but also about learning what you can do to improve your health and prevent health problems from developing. One example is the prostate gland. It is common for many men to suffer from an enlarged prostate, and this can affect you in many ways, but treatment is available.

As men age, they are at a higher risk for a variety of health issues. These health issues relate to a man's prostate, low testosterone, and erectile dysfunction. Urologists have the specific training needed to diagnose, treat, and educate you about your health, and help you achieve a better quality of life.

Contact a local service, such as Nashville Healthcare Center, to learn more. 
